Gone are the days when Corporate Fitness meant putting a treadmill in the break room. More and more companies are recognizing the short- and long-term benefits of a healthier workforce, including reduced absenteeism, fewer on-the-job injuries, greater productivity, happier employees and potentially significant savings on their healthcare costs.

SYNERGY CUBED can help you achieve that healthier workforce, either by assisting in the creation, programming, implementation and management of an on-site fitness facility or by facilitating relationships with existing local health clubs and, with them, creating fitness/wellness programming specific to your company’s needs, staff, budget and goals. We can even show you how you how paying for their fitness participation can actually save your business money in the long run.

Contact us today to discuss how we might help you.




The Harvard Business Review is absolutely right.

Your company’s greatest assets are its people, and helping them get and stay healthy goes a long way in keeping them happy. Why leave it to chance? Show your employees how much you care about them by creating and encouraging on-site or locally accessible health & wellness programming that benefits everyone.

Our business is to know what you don't.