RESULTS = RETENTION; The Problem with Packages
As recently as 2015, more than 70% of adults in the US age 20 and over were either overweight or obese1. Yet even though 94% of health & fitness facilities in the US offer personal training2, the average facility sees only 15% of their members engaged with a trainer3, many of them no more than once or twice a year.
At is core, selling training sessions in packages of pre-paid blocks is counterproductive to long-term results, and relying on the trainers to sell/renew those packages simply is not a formula for long-term fiscal success. We believe the problem lies not with the facility, the trainers, the equipment or the pricing; It is the business model itself. Essentially you are selling the wrong thing.
Face it, trainers are rarely trained in sales, many admit to being poor at it, and virtually all hate doing it. Yet the fiscal success of your PT program rests on their sales shoulders. Add to that limited, if any, accountability beyond requiring participants to cancel sessions with more than 24 hours’ notice, and the unfortunate reality that most sessions & packages are sold without expiration dates… and you have a formula for eventual failure.
But there is a better mousetrap. Synergy Cubed has developed G.R.E.A.T. TrainingTM: Goals and Results through Empowerment, Accountability and Time. Our proprietary personal training business model is designed around success not sessions, eliminates most of those typical roadblocks to long-term success, and fosters improved adherence, retention and results.
So, if your personal training program is not generating the revenue you believe it can or should… contact us today and let’s talk. Initial no-obligation consultation is free, and our expertise is priceless.
1. Center for Disease Control website
2. IHRSA Profiles of Success, 2017
3. Personal Training Usage Continues to Grow Among Health Club Members, IHRSA, Marianne Aiello, June 23, 2016